a. We endeavor to provide a safe, conducive space – both physically and energetically, for a beneficial session/engagement of those who seek our services.
b. We respect the faith, beliefs, and choices of others on the path to wholeness. We respect the free will of the other to believe or not to believe the principles and philosophies that we stand for.
c. We offer services that are within our core competencies, expertise, experience, and wisdom.
d. We conduct our business dealings and relationships with professionalism and transparency to the level that won’t compromise the trust between facilitator, client, and colleagues.
e. We practice confidentiality with client information. Disclosure of such information will only be allowed by explicit consent of client and/or by order of law where safety of client and public are at stake.
f. We respect the energetic/aura fields of others such that we do not pry, observe, or scan another person’s energetic/aura field unless it is part of a service provided, with explicit consent and permission of the person, or when it is deemed necessary for the safety of the facilitators.
g. We engage in continuous education, skills upgrading, practice, and alignment to the lineages and communities that support us for our own growth. In so doing, we offer the best possible service session for the clients to the best of our capability.
h. We make it standard operating procedure that every service is well explained and be made transparent to clients; complete with scope and limitations as well as answering questions to the best of our ability before providing the client’s chosen service. In so doing, we empower the client with an informed choice.
i. We reserve the right not to accept a request for healing/facilitation/scanning/consultations/readings if it is deemed that it is not within our core competence and/or that the ensuing request will be toxic and detrimental to facilitator, client, and other clients. Also grounds for refusal would be requests that would violate confidentiality and current laws of the land.
We respect the right of clients to terminate sessions and schedules within reason.
We offer our services NOT as substitute for professional medical attention, but rather as a complement.
We respect the traditions, principles, and philosophies of other health/wellness providers, and other healing pathways. We recommend/refer other colleagues in the industry whom we discern could add value to our client’s healing.
The Prosperous Buddha realizes that abundance is everywhere. This Buddha also knows that an intention coupled with an action will create a chain reaction in the web of Providence that would net a generous return. What comes back is being in the right place and the right time for opportunities, events, and situations aligned to abundance. This Enlightened Economics principle is called PROSPEROUS CIRCULATION. The return on Prosperous Circulation is called PROVIDENCE’S RETURN ON INVESTMENT (PROI).
Millionaires and billionaires get their worth from many tangible currency forms such as Dollar, Yen, Peso, Lira, Pound, Euro, Won, Rial, Renminbi, and/or Rupee. The Prosperous Buddha’s currency is LOVE and GRATITUDE (L&G). The Prosperous Buddha uses Love and Gratitude to ignite the chain reaction for beneficial P-ROI. In the transition to the Aquarian era, tangible currencies will fall and rise in various ways. The emerging economics of the new era would rely heavily on the L&G currency, regardless of the tangible legal tender used. The L&G currency can engage the wheels of good fortune for a P-ROI of at least 333% based on observations from informal experiments.
Your L&G currency will garner a most beneficial P-ROI when invested in a service provider, seller, community, and/or business whose best practices include Prosperous Circulation, as well as endeavoring to make the world a better place. So if you’re looking for where to invest your L&G currency, discern, invest, share, and donate as the Prosperous Buddha.
For more information about Prosperous Circulation, click here: